Monday, February 06, 2012

Saengil Chukha Hamnida Yunho !

Happy Birthday “Our Charming Leader” I hope you have a great day today ! :)

You’re the man. You’re the boss, you are Yunho. Our strong baby bear, oh how you’ve grown so much. In the short 8-9 months I’ve stuck with DBSK, Jung Yunho, you’re the most courageous leader I’ve known. Your eyes are always shining even when you’re down and you’re always doing the best for others despite the travesties burdened unto you. Passion at what you do, that’s what you’re good at, you’re constantly putting all your heart and effort into anything you’re working on. Thank you for carrying the name of TVXQ! with pride and for never giving up. You’re a role model. Hope you have a great 26th and all the best to you.
Because the world now knows U-know.

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